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Health Education Blog

BHCIP Announces $7,901,351 Award to Orchard Hospital Mental Health Facility Project

Posted by Staff on January 06, 2023
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Funding will help expand the capacity of a treatment facility that will serve young Californians in Butte County

Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program (BHCIP) on December 7, 2022, announced the awarding of grant funding for county-based projects that support behavioral health infrastructure, giving the county new opportunities to address gaps in care and create sustainable improvements that better serve county residents.

The awards are delivered through the Department of Health Care Services’ (DHCS) Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program (BHCIP) Round 4: Children and Youth grants. Governor Gavin Newsom announced $480.5 million in awards for 54 projects to improve California’s behavioral health infrastructure for children and youth. 

This is the fourth of six rounds of the $2.2 billion BHCIP funding provided by the Legislature and the Governor, which was authorized in the fiscal year 2021-22 budget to construct, acquire, and expand behavioral health facilities and community-based care options as well as invest in mobile crisis infrastructure. Funds can only be used for facility capacity expansion. BHCIP is part of a broader commitment by the California Health & Human Services Agency (CalHHS) to improve the state’s behavioral health and long-term care continuum infrastructure. 

These investments will ensure care can be provided in the least restrictive settings by creating a wide range of options, including outpatient alternatives, urgent care, peer respite, wellness centers, and social rehabilitation models. They will allow alternatives to incarceration, hospitalization, homelessness, and institutionalization by better meeting the needs of vulnerable populations who face the greatest barriers to access. A variety of care placement options can provide a vital off-ramp from intensive behavioral health service settings, helping transition individuals, including the most vulnerable, to community living. 

Recipients of BHCIP Round 4: Children and Youth grants include cities, counties, Tribal entities, nonprofits, and for-profit organizations statewide that serve target populations. Additional information on BHCIP Round 4: Children and Youth awardees is available at BHCIP Grant Award Information.

“Orchard Hospital has recognized the need for access to behavioral health for children and youth in Butte County and the surrounding areas. We are extremely excited that we have been awarded this grant to build a program that will allow our youth to have access to services that are currently only available outside our area.”

says Julie Bunn, Foundation, Grants and Community Outreach Coordinator. 

The $7,901,351 grant funds given to Orchard Hospital will go towards the creation of a youth psychiatric healthcare facility project in Butte County. Offering proactive care and early intervention during the developmental stage of adolescence. And guaranteeing access to services regardless of payor source or ability to pay.


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