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Health Education Blog

Second Phase of the Covid-19 Vaccine Rollout Begins

Posted by Staff on February 19, 2021

covid-19 second dose

Ever since it was announced that we were officially in a pandemic, the world has been eagerly anticipating the COVID-19 vaccine. While Orchard Hospital’s first dose COVID-19 community vaccination clinic appointments have now been filled and will be paused until further notice, the second dose Covid-19 community vaccination clinic administration began February 17th at the Orchard Hospital Medical Specialty Center in Gridley.

Who is eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine right now?

Everyone who has received a first dose vaccination is guaranteed to receive the second dose. The community clinic being held at the Orchard Hospital Medical Specialty Center in Gridley will administer second doses of the COVID vaccine, starting with residents age 65 and older who received their first dose at the clinic.

Schedule an appointment at the Medical Specialty Center.

The people in the highest risk categories, as set by the state and federal government, are eligible for the vaccine. These are people at risk of getting COVID-19 because they work in specific jobs in health care or because they live or work in certain types of nursing homes. Butte County is in Phase 1a (all tiers), and 1b, tier 1 of the state of California’s prioritization tiers.

We look forward to resuming our first dose community clinics as soon we are allocated additional vaccines.

How do I get the vaccine if I am not eligible now?

Orchard Hospital is working closely with Butte County Public Health in planning the next phase of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. You can sign up to be on the Orchard Hospital Vaccination Waiting List by clicking the button below:

Yes! Add me to the waitlist

Stay informed by following us on Facebook.

You can also visit Butte County Public Health for more information.

What you can do in the meantime

You can continue to help slow the spread of COVID-19 by:

  • Wearing a mask that covers your mouth and nose
  • Washing your hands often
  • Staying 6 feet away from other people
  • Staying home if you are sick
  • Avoiding large gatherings

You should also consider getting a flu vaccine. Flu vaccines save lives and prevent more flu during the COVID-19 pandemic.

To find out more about the COVID-19 Vaccine check out this article:

Frequently Asked Questions About the COVID-19 Vaccine

Why we need a vaccine

The COVID-19 vaccine is one of the best ways to protect yourself from getting sick from COVID-19. 

However, it has not yet been proven to prevent the transmission of disease. So while you may be vaccinated, and you yourself will not get sick from the Coronavirus, there is still potential you can transmit the virus to other people who have not yet been vaccinated. Studies are currently underway to determine if the vaccine also stops transmission.  

The health and safety of all Butte County residents remains our top priority.

Topics: Vaccines, News, Covid-19