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Health Education Blog

Start New Habits to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Posted by Staff on May 05, 2017

couple sleeping in bedSleep. You never seem to get enough of it. Kid’s never want to go to it. It eludes you. And it also seems to be the fix-all when you’re trying to make a decision - people always seem to tell you to just sleep on it. Getting a good night’s sleep shouldn’t be what suffers when you’re trying to find more time in the day, are stressed, or are distracted and so stimulated that you can’t fall asleep, but more often than not it does.

The thing is, sleep is extremely important to your physical, emotional, psychological, and preventative health. It can help you lose weight, fight illness, and think more clearly. Learn what you can do to get a good night’s sleep in the article excerpt and infographic below.


Posted by: Thrive Global

10 Tips for a Great Night’s Sleep

In a new study by Maiken Nedergaard and colleagues at the University of Rochester in New York have shown sleep relaxes the channels in our brain which helps ‘wash out’ unwanted waste and proteins. Just like the lymphatic system clears out metabolic waste products from the rest of the body, this system transports waste-laden cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). In the study, it showed channels moving the CSF grew 60% in size while mice slept. This allowed neurotoxins to be moved out of the brain quicker and with more efficiency. Here’s why this matters. Many neurological diseases from Alzheimer’s to stroke and dementia are associated with sleep disturbances. The study suggests that lack of sleep plays a role by allowing the byproducts to build up and cause brain damage.

As an added bonus to just feeling better when you sleep. Sleep has shown to help you shed fat (especially that pudge around the belly), fight off heart disease, maintain a clear mind, and optimize every function of your body. Sleep is essential for everyone from the elite athlete to the corporate warrior.

[Continue to full article and infographic]


It may seem like an unreasonable task to start daily habits that help you get the right amount of sleep and the right amount of good sleep. Start small by focusing on making just one positive change. When it becomes a habit, add in another. Before long you won’t have to worry about counting sheep anymore and will wake up from a restful night’s sleep.

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Topics: Healthy Lifestyle